DAY 2 - Love one another:

 DAY 2 - Love one another:

John 13:34
34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.”

This command was issued right after Judas left to betray Jesus. 

Christ said He would be with them only a little longer and that He is issuing a new command. This new command underscores all the others – love each other. 

Soon the disciples would go through the most upsetting and depressing moments of their lives.  Their King would be crucified, and all THEIR plans would be destroyed.

I think Jesus issuing this command says that it is our job to let Him do His job and focus on serving and loving each other in spite of circumstances.

We don’t control elections, or job opportunities, or family member decisions…but we do control our hearts.

The new command is to love others and trust God to handle the rest. When the world is on fire – people will notice if I love others – even those I disagree with – It is the best sermon I can preach.


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