DAY 13 - Bear one another’s burdens:

 DAY 13 - Bear one another’s burdens:

Gal. 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”

Even when you’re right…be careful.  If I admonish a brother for good reason my approach must be to help -not to judge.  I am to pick up the load and assist him – not add to his pain. 

We are so quick to judge – I come with my church clothes on to give me authority and point out other’s failures…. especially those who sin outside of our accepted sin circle. But this verse says I should come with work clothes on to help my brother carry whatever is weighing him down.

The law of Christ is to love God and love my neighbor…and bearing my brothers burden –not preaching, not gossiping, not condescending…just loving and helping – that fulfills the law of Christ.



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