DAY 18- Be subject to one another

 DAY 18- Be subject to one another

Eph 5:21 – “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

This is the verse no one quotes which is before the verses that husbands and wives quote selectively all the time.

No one likes this verse because it is instructional to all of us not just the other person…and while it introduces the verses on marriage that is not all it covers which is proven by the reason “out of reverence for Christ”. Christ said love my neighbor…not just my wife and family.

So, there is no open field running that can get you around this command. 

Submit – “to yield oneself to the authority or will of another.” 

Julie’s will, your will, others will…. I am to yield to – in fact, I am supposed to actively pursue it as though other people are more important than I am (Philippians 2:3). 

There is no dodging the bullet – no translation or interpretation can release me from this command…. Submit to one another…. I either obey or I don’t, and I will reap accordingly.


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