DAY 19 - Regard one another as more important than yourself

 DAY 19 - Regard one another as more important than yourself

Phil 2:3 “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves;

I didn’t realize this was the next command yesterday when I made my comment…. Maybe God is trying to emphasize to me the importance of this concept of considering others as more important. 

No doubt if we can master that notion, it makes the other “one another” commands easier to follow. In fact, it makes them almost natural.

So how much of my actions are based on selfish or empty conceit?

That is a tough question as I have practiced disguising selfish conceit as humility.  I jokingly say “my humility is what makes me better than you” – but are there times when way down deep a kernel of that thought takes root?

Does my “religion” make me judgmental and holier than thou?

Why do I think it is hard to make you more important than me?…when the truth is you are. 

Plain and simple…you are more important than I am - if I believe God allowed His Son to die for you.

I know He died for me…I know I am secure in that fact…so now others are the priority. 

I love Charles Spurgeon and this quote seems appropriate for this morning.

“The best way to live above all fear of death is to die every morning before you leave your bedroom.”

I would add that the best way to not allow yourself to live in selfishness or empty conceit is also to die every morning before you leave your bedroom...and spend your day living for God and serving others. 


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