DAY 8 - Accept one another:

 DAY 8 - Accept one another:

Romans 15:7 “Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us, for the glory of God.”

This is a powerful verse for we Gentiles.  We were accepted in spite of our pedigree not because of it. Verse 8 says Christ became a servant to the Jews to confirm the PROMISES of God and for us to glorify God for His MERCY. Mercy we have been given and mercy we should give.

Any time I am commanded to do something “Just as Christ” did – it is impossible to set the bar higher.  If I do not accept and love my brother I become like the servant in Matthew 18 that owed 10,000 bags of gold and was forgiven - but wouldn’t forgive his fellow servant that owed him 100 silver coins. The King did not respond well to that sentiment and my King will not respond positively to my unforgiveness and unacceptance either.

These commands are incredibly freeing.  How refreshing it is to put down my cynical load, stop judging people, and accept them as God’s creation and leave all judging to God.

Christ accepted me and forgave me while I was still a sinner…. I must do the same.


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