DAY 9 - Admonish one another:

 DAY 9 - Admonish one another:

Romans 15:14 And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another.”

Ahh…finally one I am good at – I have the gift of admonishment LOL!...

Wait, does this mean to their face or behind their back?

This is actually one of the harder commands because people enjoy being at peace. They want people to be devoted to them and give preference to them…but very seldom does someone want to be admonished. So, if I admonish my brother, I run the risk of losing some popularity, so too often I look the other way.  

But this “one another command” may be the most important one we have looked at yet. If you, as my brother, fulfill the other commands to this point it will make me feel good and provide sweet fellowship between us…but if you fulfill this one it may save my life.

I was obviously kidding about the gift of admonishment, but I am thankful for people in my life who are willing and able to reprove me…It is not easy, but I am better for it. It is the equivalent of having a knowledgeable coach in the press box when you’re trying to call plays on the sideline. It provides a vantage point that you can’t always see for yourself.

The key, I believe, is who you love that produces the admonishment…. if you love yourself your admonishment will be ineffective…but if you admonish me because you love me…it can be life changing.  


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