
DAY 1 - Be at Peace with one another:

  DAY 1 - Be at Peace with one another: Mark 9:50, NASB: "'Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.'" The way salt becomes “unsalty” is to be mix with other minerals.   The danger for us as Christians is to forget our job.   Our job is to be the salt of the earth.   But if we mix that job with other things and become polluted with other pursuits, we become unworthy. 1 John 2:20 says “If someone says, “I love God,” and  yet  he hates his brother  or sister , he is a liar:…” If we have salt inside us…if we pursue the one true God and are not polluted with greed and lust and selfishness…we will be at peace with one another.   The key is in the make-up of our hearts.

DAY 2 - Love one another:

  DAY 2 - Love one another: John 13:34 34  I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  35  By this all  people  will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” This command was issued right after Judas left to betray Jesus.   Christ said He would be with them only a little longer and that He is issuing a new command. This new command underscores all the others – love each other.   Soon the disciples would go through the most upsetting and depressing moments of their lives.   Their King would be crucified, and all THEIR plans would be destroyed. I think Jesus issuing this command says that it is our job to let Him do His job and focus on serving and loving each other in spite of circumstances. We don’t control elections, or job opportunities, or family member decisions…but we do control our hearts. The new command is to love others and trust God to handle the rest. When the

DAY 3 - Be devoted to one another:

  DAY 3 - Be devoted to one another: Romans 12:10 “ 10  Be  devoted to one another in brotherly love; …” Most bible translations use “love one another” or “be devoted to one another”.   Websters defines “devoted” as characterized by loyalty and devotion. ….so, what does that mean? … Nice? Kind? Courteous? ... Sure, it means those things, but the word here apparently carries more punch than that. I am to be loyal and loving.   I am to put others before myself.   I belief this is to be a stubborn committed affection that doesn’t change with circumstances. It is easy to skim over the verse but as I slow down and analyze it - I find that I may not be doing that. When dealing with my “Life Group” I need to be diligent, protective, committed to ya’lls well-being. I should be proactive in helping and supporting. Being devoted is a lot more than just being nice…I need to make my relationship with my fellow Christian brothers more of a priority.

DAY 4 - Give preference to one another:

DAY 4 - Give preference to one another: Romans 12:10 “ 10  … give preference to one another in honor, ” I looked up this verse in a few commentaries and they translated it: ….” taking the lead of each other in honor” and “ anticipating one another.” It seems hard to interpret the actual meaning, but the gist is that I am to take the lead in looking for ways to honor others… Exalting my brother should not be a reaction to them honoring me - but my leading the way down that path. I need to “out honor” others…that needs to be my objective. The concept is easy to understand in light of John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease " .   If the One who is increasing in me has commanded that I love my neighbor…then there is nothing to wait on.   I don’t need to know if you agree with my political viewpoint, or you agree with my religious opinions…Because you are more important than me. (Philippians 2:3) So, this phrase in a verse that I could easily skip over carrie

DAY 5 - Be of the same mind toward one another:

  DAY 5 - Be of the same mind toward one another: Romans 12:16 “Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.” Paul expounds on “Be of the same mind” in the second part of the verse by stating what it is not.   It is not thinking I am too good for others…It is not thinking that I am smarter than everyone else. The “same mind” would be the opposite of a “me versus them” mentality.   If I am of the same mind as you then your wellbeing is as important as mine.   I am not too good for you because we are the same. I value your opinion because I do not think I know it all. America could use a little “same mind toward one another” attitude today.

DAY 6 - Don’t judge one another:

  DAY 6 - Don’t judge one another : Romans 14:13 “ Therefore let’s not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this: not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s  or sister’s  way.” Pretty timely command – I think the simple translation could almost be “mind your own business”.   Some of the translations say “ Let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather” – Instead of judging you I should judge my own actions…and be sure I don’t do or say anything that is a hinderance in your growth toward the Father. No question we are to hold each other accountable and lovingly point out sin. But I must not judge your motives.   I can point out sin, but I cannot judge your heart.   Instead, I must get the splinter out of my own eye and make sure I can see clearly to help you…and what I do I must do in love.

DAY 7 - Pursue peace and build each other up:

DAY 7 - Pursue peace and build each other up : Romans 14:19 “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” Paul is here talking about eating meat and drinking wine…on both sides of the coin.   Don’t do things that cause others to stumble and don’t look for reasons to stumble.   Kind of like that concept about drawing a circle around yourself and working on the things in that circle. Don’t offend and don’t look to be offended. Instead pursue the things that make us closer.   Talk about things that glorify God…. like in a marriage – if we are growing closer to God we are by definition growing closer to each other.