
Showing posts from March, 2022

DAY 1 - Be at Peace with one another:

  DAY 1 - Be at Peace with one another: Mark 9:50, NASB: "'Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.'" The way salt becomes “unsalty” is to be mix with other minerals.   The danger for us as Christians is to forget our job.   Our job is to be the salt of the earth.   But if we mix that job with other things and become polluted with other pursuits, we become unworthy. 1 John 2:20 says “If someone says, “I love God,” and  yet  he hates his brother  or sister , he is a liar:…” If we have salt inside us…if we pursue the one true God and are not polluted with greed and lust and selfishness…we will be at peace with one another.   The key is in the make-up of our hearts.

DAY 2 - Love one another:

  DAY 2 - Love one another: John 13:34 34  I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  35  By this all  people  will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” This command was issued right after Judas left to betray Jesus.   Christ said He would be with them only a little longer and that He is issuing a new command. This new command underscores all the others – love each other.   Soon the disciples would go through the most upsetting and depressing moments of their lives.   Their King would be crucified, and all THEIR plans would be destroyed. I think Jesus issuing this command says that it is our job to let Him do His job and focus on serving and loving each other in spite of circumstances. We don’t control elections, or job opportunities, or family member decisions…but we do control our hearts. The new command is to love others and trust God to handle the rest. When the

DAY 3 - Be devoted to one another:

  DAY 3 - Be devoted to one another: Romans 12:10 “ 10  Be  devoted to one another in brotherly love; …” Most bible translations use “love one another” or “be devoted to one another”.   Websters defines “devoted” as characterized by loyalty and devotion. ….so, what does that mean? … Nice? Kind? Courteous? ... Sure, it means those things, but the word here apparently carries more punch than that. I am to be loyal and loving.   I am to put others before myself.   I belief this is to be a stubborn committed affection that doesn’t change with circumstances. It is easy to skim over the verse but as I slow down and analyze it - I find that I may not be doing that. When dealing with my “Life Group” I need to be diligent, protective, committed to ya’lls well-being. I should be proactive in helping and supporting. Being devoted is a lot more than just being nice…I need to make my relationship with my fellow Christian brothers more of a priority.

DAY 4 - Give preference to one another:

DAY 4 - Give preference to one another: Romans 12:10 “ 10  … give preference to one another in honor, ” I looked up this verse in a few commentaries and they translated it: ….” taking the lead of each other in honor” and “ anticipating one another.” It seems hard to interpret the actual meaning, but the gist is that I am to take the lead in looking for ways to honor others… Exalting my brother should not be a reaction to them honoring me - but my leading the way down that path. I need to “out honor” others…that needs to be my objective. The concept is easy to understand in light of John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease " .   If the One who is increasing in me has commanded that I love my neighbor…then there is nothing to wait on.   I don’t need to know if you agree with my political viewpoint, or you agree with my religious opinions…Because you are more important than me. (Philippians 2:3) So, this phrase in a verse that I could easily skip over carrie

DAY 5 - Be of the same mind toward one another:

  DAY 5 - Be of the same mind toward one another: Romans 12:16 “Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.” Paul expounds on “Be of the same mind” in the second part of the verse by stating what it is not.   It is not thinking I am too good for others…It is not thinking that I am smarter than everyone else. The “same mind” would be the opposite of a “me versus them” mentality.   If I am of the same mind as you then your wellbeing is as important as mine.   I am not too good for you because we are the same. I value your opinion because I do not think I know it all. America could use a little “same mind toward one another” attitude today.

DAY 6 - Don’t judge one another:

  DAY 6 - Don’t judge one another : Romans 14:13 “ Therefore let’s not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this: not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s  or sister’s  way.” Pretty timely command – I think the simple translation could almost be “mind your own business”.   Some of the translations say “ Let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather” – Instead of judging you I should judge my own actions…and be sure I don’t do or say anything that is a hinderance in your growth toward the Father. No question we are to hold each other accountable and lovingly point out sin. But I must not judge your motives.   I can point out sin, but I cannot judge your heart.   Instead, I must get the splinter out of my own eye and make sure I can see clearly to help you…and what I do I must do in love.

DAY 7 - Pursue peace and build each other up:

DAY 7 - Pursue peace and build each other up : Romans 14:19 “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” Paul is here talking about eating meat and drinking wine…on both sides of the coin.   Don’t do things that cause others to stumble and don’t look for reasons to stumble.   Kind of like that concept about drawing a circle around yourself and working on the things in that circle. Don’t offend and don’t look to be offended. Instead pursue the things that make us closer.   Talk about things that glorify God…. like in a marriage – if we are growing closer to God we are by definition growing closer to each other.

DAY 8 - Accept one another:

  DAY 8 - Accept one another : Romans 15:7 “Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us, for the glory of God.” This is a powerful verse for we Gentiles.   We were accepted in spite of our pedigree not because of it. Verse 8 says Christ became a servant to the Jews to confirm the PROMISES of God and for us to glorify God for His MERCY. Mercy we have been given and mercy we should give. Any time I am commanded to do something “Just as Christ” did – it is impossible to set the bar higher.   If I do not accept and love my brother I become like the servant in Matthew 18 that owed 10,000 bags of gold and was forgiven - but wouldn’t forgive his fellow servant that owed him 100 silver coins. The King did not respond well to that sentiment and my King will not respond positively to my unforgiveness and unacceptance either. These commands are incredibly freeing.   How refreshing it is to put down my cynical load, stop judging people, and accept them as God’s creation a

DAY 9 - Admonish one another:

  DAY 9 - Admonish one another : Romans 15:14 “ And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another.” Ahh…finally one I am good at – I have the gift of admonishment LOL!... Wait, does this mean to their face or behind their back? This is actually one of the harder commands because people enjoy being at peace. They want people to be devoted to them and give preference to them…but very seldom does someone want to be admonished. So, if I admonish my brother, I run the risk of losing some popularity, so too often I look the other way.    But this “one another command” may be the most important one we have looked at yet. If you, as my brother, fulfill the other commands to this point it will make me feel good and provide sweet fellowship between us…but if you fulfill this one it may save my life. I was obviously kidding about the gift of admonishment, but I am thankf

DAY 10 - Wait for one another:

  DAY 10 - Wait for one another : 1 Cor. 11:33 “ So then, my brothers  and sisters , when you come together to eat, wait for one another.” This is instruction that deals with the Lord’s Supper.   It is correcting the improper way the Corinthians were making the Lord’s supper a time for gluttony and self-centeredness. The true point of the passage is to approach the Lord’s Supper with awe and reverence, but the inadvertent point is clear – when we honor God, we must honor each other as well.   Jesus forever tied the two commands together when He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and Love your neighbor as yourself.” If I value others, I will instinctively wait on them – I will not be put out if their needs change my plans. I cannot approach God by running over my brothers or leaving them behind.

DAY 11 - Have the same care for one another:

  DAY 11 - Have the same care for one another: 1 Cor. 12:25 “ so that there may be no division in the body, but  that  the parts may have the same care for one another.” Interesting verse that when read in context can argue that we should actively look for the less honored people in our community and honor them. The same care for one another means the Pastor and the Janitor are treated the same…externally and internally.   I would never disparage someone externally because of their position in the church or community but do I internally offer preference to those who hold high positions? Is my heart different towards those who can do something for me? Paul says I should actively eliminate division in the body.   I need to always examine my heart and make sure I treat all with the same honor that comes from being a son or daughter of the King.

DAY 12 - Through love serve one another:

  DAY 12 - Through love serve one another : Galatians 5:13 “For you were called to freedom, brothers  and sisters ; only do   not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.” This chapter is one of Paul’s great writings on freedom.   He is insistent that as Christians we are completely free and must enjoy and rest in that freedom. Our verse above is a small warning tossed into the middle of this dissertation on liberty. It warns of what I call “spiritual judo.” In Judo the objective is to take your opponent’s momentum and turn it against him. You don’t attempt to stop an attack but just redirect the force, so it throws the attacker off balance. This verse is warning that our enemy does the same thing.   As Paul heralds our freedom, he says be careful that the enemy doesn’t yank us into license…into selfishness...into using our freedom to harm ourselves and others. A good thermometer of how well I love others is what I DO for the

DAY 13 - Bear one another’s burdens:

  DAY 13 - Bear one another’s burdens : Gal. 6:2 “ 2  Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Even when you’re right…be careful.   If I admonish a brother for good reason my approach must be to help -not to judge.   I am to pick up the load and assist him – not add to his pain.   We are so quick to judge – I come with my church clothes on to give me authority and point out other’s failures…. especially those who sin outside of our accepted sin circle. But this verse says I should come with work clothes on to help my brother carry whatever is weighing him down. The law of Christ is to love God and love my neighbor…and bearing my brothers burden –not preaching, not gossiping, not condescending…just loving and helping – that fulfills the law of Christ.  

DAY 14 - bearing with one another in love”:

  DAY 14 - bearing with one another in love ”: With humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance. Eph. 4:2 “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.” Some translations say tolerance some say bearing with one another in love …I think it means the same thing. If you asked 10 people to describe me, I bet none would use the word tolerant. That is probably because I need to work on the three characteristics in the first part of the verse that all translations seem to agree on…. humility, gentleness, and patience…adjectives that again, will not find their way into a description of me. It is dangerous because we have talked ourselves into believing that it is somehow masculine to be intolerant, rough, and impatient…but the most powerful, masculine, perfect leader to walk on the planet was all the things in this verse.   When I operate from a position of fear and weakness, I become Hollywood’s depiction of masculine… When I op

DAY 15 - Speak truth to one another:

  DAY 15 - Speak truth to one another: Eph. 4:25 – “ Therefore, ridding yourselves of falsehood, speak truth each one  of you  with his neighbor, because we are parts of one another.” This may be one of the hardest “one another commands”.  The truth is not always convenient, complimentary, or happily accepted.  Today, the truth is in fact hated and, in some cases, outlawed…yet it is a commanded guideline in the scripture. If I care about someone, I am going to tell them the truth. The verse reverences the fact that we are one body.  How foolish would it if my eye notices a tumor on my arm but my mouth does not mention it because it is not my eye’s or my mouths problem? Paul is telling the Ephesians that a problem in any part of the body is a problem for the body. I need to stop calling falsehood flattery or encouragement and speak the truth in love. This is really, really hard sometimes – but never complicated. 

DAY 16 - Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other

  DAY 16 - Be kind to one another , compassionate, forgiving each other Eph. 4:32 “ 32  Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” The last sentence is what makes this command really difficult.  I can be kind sometimes…even compassionate…and on rare occasions I can be forgiving. But when Paul throws in “as God in Christ also has forgiven you” that takes things to a whole other level. You see God – In Christ - sees me as perfect.  None of this “I’ll forgive but I won’t forget nonsense” …He does forget…He puts my sin as far as the east is from the west from me…It is not earthly forgiveness but an astounding Heavenly Redemption. So, if we work backwards through the verse, it becomes challenging.  If I am to forgive like Christ does then my compassion would be incredible, and my kindness would be off the charts. This command is not near as simple as it sounds and is worthy of meditation today.

DAY 17 - Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.

  DAY 17 - Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Eph. 5:19 - “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your hearts to the Lord; This is one of those verses I have heard many times but never really tried to unpack its actual meaning.   I have often wondered what Alien creatures would think of people singing…and even more dancing.   I kind of wonder who the first person to do that was…but I think humans were made to worship and singing is a big part of worship.   I know God sings over us (Zephaniah 3:17) and we are made in His image. I think music is a bigger piece of the puzzle than we give it credit for…and even at my age I believe music should be carefully listened to as it imprints on our minds. I know when Mom got dementia and could not remember what she had for breakfast - she could still remember the old hymns. But I am a little off subject – I think the meaning in this verse is that what come

DAY 18- Be subject to one another

  DAY 18- Be subject to one another Eph 5:21 – “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” This is the verse no one quotes which is before the verses that husbands and wives quote selectively all the time. No one likes this verse because it is instructional to all of us not just the other person…and while it introduces the verses on marriage that is not all it covers which is proven by the reason “out of reverence for Christ”. Christ said love my neighbor…not just my wife and family. So, there is no open field running that can get you around this command.   Submit – “to yield oneself to the authority or will of another.”  Julie’s will, your will, others will…. I am to yield to – in fact, I am supposed to actively pursue it as though other people are more important than I am ( Philippians 2:3).   There is no dodging the bullet – no translation or interpretation can release me from this command…. Submit to one another…. I either obey or I don’t, and I will reap acco

DAY 19 - Regard one another as more important than yourself

  DAY 19 - Regard one another as more important than yourself Phil 2:3 “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; I didn’t realize this was the next command yesterday when I made my comment…. Maybe God is trying to emphasize to me the importance of this concept of considering others as more important.   No doubt if we can master that notion, it makes the other “one another” commands easier to follow. In fact, it makes them almost natural. So how much of my actions are based on selfish or empty conceit? That is a tough question as I have practiced disguising selfish conceit as humility.   I jokingly say “my humility is what makes me better than you” – but are there times when way down deep a kernel of that thought takes root? Does my “religion” make me judgmental and holier than thou? Why do I think it is hard to make you more important than me?…when the truth is you are.   Plain and simple…you

DAY 20 - Admonish one another

DAY 20 - Admonish one another Colossians 3:16  “ Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns,  and  spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” So, admonishing didn’t seem to go with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs so I looked up what it actually means…. Here are the definitions - warn or reprimand someone firmly. - advise or urge (someone) earnestly. I like the second one better. I am still not sure exactly what it means but I am pretty sure I am not good at it.   I am very big on minding my own business and believe it or not I am pretty private. So, I can much easier lean on the “splinter in my eye” to justify non-conflict…but the truth is that is simply selfishness on my part. I always told the team that if you didn’t love your friend more than your friendship then you didn’t have either one…In other words if you can see a threat in your friends’ life and remain silent – you a

DAY 21 - Abound in love for one another

  DAY 21 - Abound in love for one another 1 Thessalonians 3:12 “and may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also  do  for you.” Do I do what Paul says here? – Could I write what he writes here? Do I “love” people begrudgingly sometimes?   Do I approach it as an obligation? My love must be an overflow of the Love I have for Jesus. It must be a natural reaction to the Love of the Father not a chore I fulfill as a Christian.   Too often I am the center of my love for others…I must allow others to be the center of my love for them. Secondly, I need to accomplish that ability to love - as I would not be comfortable telling those I am discipling to love like I do as Paul does here…and in Christianity we are not allowed to say do as I say not as I do.

DAY 22- Comfort one another

  DAY 22- Comfort one another 1 Thessalonians 4:18 “Therefore, comfort one another with these words.” This verse is not dealing with a tough time at the office, or a business deal gone bad…it is dealing with the greatest heartbreak we know…the loss of a loved one… ” These words” which we are to comfort with - are all about the hope with have through the resurrection of Jesus. We should be comforting for the lesser problems as well, but this verse calls us to step up when a brother is hurting and encourage and comfort them.   Not that we do not mourn as we certainly do …but we mourn differently…as those who know this is not the end of the story.

DAY 23 - Encourage one another

  DAY 23 - Encourage one another 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 “For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you also are doing.” I thought we had finally arrived at one of these commands that I was good at…but when I read verses 9 and 10 and realized what the “Therefore” was there for, I realized that this “encourage” was pretty specific. It is not just about reassuring and supporting people in their daily’s about helping them keep their eyes on the unseen.   This “encourage one another” is about helping others realize that circumstances are irrelevant to our joy, and that our final destination is the reason for our unshakeable optimism…- ” For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” - That is the encouragement…t

DAY 24 - Build one another up

  DAY 24 - Build one another up 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 - For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,  who died for us, that whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him.  Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing. Same verse as yesterday with a different “one another” command. Still in the midst of scripture dealing with death and heart ache - the “build one another up command” seems to indicate that it is a full-time job getting ready for the day that trials arrive. It seems this is something we do daily by remembering and discussing the material we used to build up each other. The building material is the knowledge that we are no longer destined for wrath…we are delivered from deserved eternal punishment and ushered into eternal blessing by the sacrifice of Christ. A marathon runner is motivated by the possible exaltation of winning the race…we are motivated by

DAY 25 – Seek good for one another

  DAY 25 – Seek good for one another 1 Thessalonians 5:15 – “See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek what is good for one another and for all people.  This verse is a mouth full when you read it in context.   The chapter begins by discussing the return of Christ and how we should be looking for Him.   Then it discusses respecting those in the church leadership because of their work. The verse itself raises the bar with its introduction…. I must not only resist repaying evil for good - but I also can’t even repay evil for evil… …. SEEK what is GOOD for others (ALL others). Not a lot of wiggle room here. I am to actively seek good for others…with apparent extra emphasis on church leadership. This is not a passive command telling me to stop treating people badly – it is telling me to energetically look for ways to treat them well. The title in my translation of this passage is “Christian Conduct” …I have some work to do before I get a “S” on my Christ

DAY 26 - Encourage one another

  DAY 26 - Encourage one another Hebrews 3:13- “But encourage one another every day, as long as it is  still  called “today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” This seems like a routine “Encourage one another” until you read it in context.   The writer has surrounded this with one of the greatest displays of God’s anger in the bible.   The prompting to encourage in this verse is more of a warning. It is saying we need to help each other away from disbelief…we need to watch each other so we don’t drift away and become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. One definition of “encourage” in websters dictionary is “ to spur on” – I think that applies today.   We must spur each other on diligently as the consequences of sin and unbelief are real and we must help our brothers every day to avoid both.

DAY 27 - Stimulate one another to love and good deeds

  DAY 27 - Stimulate one another to love and good deeds Hebrews 10:24-25 “and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging  one another ; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Pivot verse in the middle of a powerful chapter…. Everything before this point discusses the ineffectiveness of Old Testament sacrifices…They were just reminders of sin but did not provide deliverance. Everything after the verse is about the consequences of ignoring the true sacrifice that brings redemption and deliverance from sin. So, we are to meet together often and encourage each other to live out love and good deeds not as a work to earn salvation - but as a natural reaction to the gift of salvation we have received. This chapter is more than an encouragement to do this – it is a warning about the price of not doing it…. “The Lord will judge His people”.   “It is a terrify

DAY 28- Confess your sins to one another (so they can pray for you)

  DAY 28- Confess your sins to one another (so they can pray for you) James 5:16 “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much” James has “stopped preaching and gone to meddling!”... We don’t like this command much because it infringes on our prideful appearance.   I can write that I struggle with pride and that is fine because it is sort of a humble brag…might even confess I struggle with self-discipline.   But our propensity to confess diminishes as the sin gets less socially acceptable…We are far less likely to admit we said something in anger to our wife, or watched a movie we should not have, and the probability continues to diminish as we get into affairs, embezzlement, etc.…. These sins we do not confess and probably would even deny. This is all a product of pride…and God in His humor drove that point home this morning by revealing that a fav

DAY 29 - Be hospitable to one another

  DAY 29 - Be hospitable to one another 1 Peter 4:9 - “Be hospitable to one another without complaint.” Verse 8 says “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” The Next verse (Our command verse) is simply and illustration of what that looks like.   If I fervently love others there will be no grumbling when I have the opportunity to serve them.   My love covers a multitude of sins, and I will see others as Christ sees me. If my heart is full of love, there is not much room for complaining.   When I worked at Kanakuk the guy that led football (Keith Chancey) used to say, “you can’t make it tough enough for me to complain’.   I love that approach – I love having a heart so full of gratitude and love that complaining is the last thing that could come out of it. Count your blessings – love your brother – then being hospitable will be natural and complaining will be pointless.  

DAY 30 - Clothe yourself with humility toward one another

  DAY 30 - Clothe yourself with humility toward one another 1 Peter 5:5 - “In the same way you who are younger submit yourselves to your elders. All of you clothe yourselves in humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” So, humility is a requirement from old to young and young to old. No class is left out of the command to be humble toward each other… In fact, the command says “clothe yourself with humility” …not just a little bit but cover yourself with it. That would be hard enough to do but it is even harder because I am not sure what that looks like. I am such a stranger to humility that should I attempt it – I get prideful if I get close to it.  This is definitely a “one another command” I miss by a mile.  I might appear to wear a small adornment of humility on rare occasions …but no one will accuse me of being clothed in it.

DAY 31 - Fellowship with one another

  DAY 31 - Fellowship with one another 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son purifies us from all sin. Verse 3 shows us the source of our fellowship.   It says, “we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.” It is not that we root for the same team, or that we are all Texans, or even Americans.   What gives us fellowship is the shared love and faith in Jesus.   This means your skin color, nationality and even your political leanings are not what bind us together. Back in College Russ Taff sang a song that said, “You’re my brother you’re my sister so take me by the hand, if you believe in Jesus you belong with me.” That pretty much sums it up. We can “fellowship” with each other based on some shared opinions…or we can have true “Fellowship” with each other based on our shared destination.